Zodiak AdvertisingFront-end developerI'm working on a Private Exchange platform named Premio, curating and crafting HTML and CSS to improve cross-browser support, usability and look and feel of the application. I was also employed to update the Wordpress-based corporate website.
Main skills obtained here: AngularJS, LESS, Photoshop, GruntJS, Wordpress.
El.Co.Web developerI used to work on the core-businness product, a web application for italian Public Health in which I was dealing with all the aspects of the project: from database to front-end technology.
I developed the first version of Iredeem platform: a web application to remote-check the status of defibrillators scattered all over the country. I was also employed to implement some company's internal platforms.
GISDataWeb developerAs this small company requires it, I worked on the main application, developing new features with ASP and Javascript. I also curated technical support for the final user.
Main skills obtained here: ASP, Javascript, CSS.
Le Café AnglaisWaiter & Coffee-makerIt could seems a little bit strange but I learned in London how to do a good cappuccino.
Main skills obtained here: English, Cappuccino, Latte and English Tea.